Pay It Forward
Whether you're in the private or nonprofit sector, we believe everyone must work together to make the world a better place. The Pay It Forward program gives you a clear path to do this. Together, we are building a civil society and developing relationships between the business and nonprofit community.
How does it work?
For private sector clients: After the first 50 hours of paid consultation, Idealist Consulting will credit 5 hours to one of our 700 nonprofit clients.
For nonprofit clients: You are automatically included on the list of organizations who can benefit from this program. If chosen, we will notify you directly.
What are the benefits?
For private sector clients: we will promote your gift through social media and our blog, and you and your staff will have the good feeling of knowing you are making a difference.
For nonprofit clients: if selected, you will receive credited labor reducing the cost of implementation.
“Idealist Consulting is establishing themselves as a progressive leader through this program. Everyone’s talking these days about corporate responsibility – Idealist Consulting is giving us a direct way to actually do it!” - Michael Leland of Mortgage Trust