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New Whitepaper: Marketing Automation for Nonprofits

By: Bethany Williams

It’s fantastic that the nonprofit community is growing a mile a minute, but how do you get your nonprofit to stand out from the crowd? Donors and volunteers are looking for worthy causes to get involved with, but first you have to win them over.

How can they find you and why should they pick you? What can you do to earn their trust?

Idealist Consulting has published a new whitepaper to help you address these questions. Marketing automation provides you with technology specifically for nonprofit use that eables you to nurture and grow your volunteers, donors, and participants.

In this whitepaper you will learn what marketing automation looks like and what it can do for your nonprofit.  This whitepaper will cover:

  • Marketing automation terms and translations

  • Three tiers of functionality

  • The value proposition for nonprofits

  • Setting goals to enable your success

Sneak Peek:
Here’s a portion of our third section in the whitepaper, ‘Who Is It For?’ which outlines qualifications of strong candidates for marketing automation.

Typically nonprofits who benefit most from marketing automation fit these criteria:

  • Organization with over $2MM revenue and over 5000 contacts

  • Have 1-2 dedicated marketing staff who love analytics, constant tweaking, strategizing, and producing content

If your revenue is less or you have fewer contacts, marketing automation may be cost prohibitive or too robust for your use. Dedicated staff are equally critical: these are the people who will read the reports and consult the analytics to continually modify your marketing strategy.

Here’s the final key criterion: you must have felt some sort of pain or limitations with your existing communications solutions. Often nonprofits are in a cycle of cobbling together different systems (Hootsuite, Google Analytics, MailChimp, landing page builders, form builders, etc.) and at a certain point realize “Wait, I can’t scale my communication program any further with what I’ve got. It’s time for a change.”

Does this ring any bells? Is enhanced marketing or beginning automation a goal for your organization? Or, are you simply wondering technology can make your life easier?

Go to the whitepaper



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