Thank you for your interest in being a guest blogger on the Idealist Consulting blog. We welcome collaboration with industry experts to publish high-quality informative articles. If you are interested in submitting a post, please read through these blog guidelines and then contact

Step 1
Review our blog guidelines
Content: Original, educational, and speaks to pain points. No reposted content or sales pitches allowed.
Images: At least one image per article that you are permitted and licensed to share.
At least two links back to your own website or additional resources from highly authoritative industry expert sites.
A link to your website once within the author bio.
At least one relevant links back to the Idealist Consulting website (we can help with this!)
Word Count: 500+ words
Step 2
Choose an audience
- Nonprofit decision-makers who have a long-term vision for their tech-stack and need a partner to educate, guide, and empower their team.
- Those interested in using Salesforce for their organization and are looking for advice on implementation, best practices, and connected apps.
- Mid to upper-level managers, directors, and executives who use Salesforce at a progressive organization and are looking for best practices.
- Salesforce administrators who are looking for technical knowledge and advice on Salesforce and connected apps.

Step 3
Decide on a relevant topic
- Solution Adoption (i.e. How to use Blackthorn for event management)
- Solution Best Practice (i.e. The top three ways to facilitate an email campaign for fundraising)
- Solution Feature Release (i.e. Click and Pledge releases a new peer-to-peer fundraising app, here's what you need to know)
- Thought leadership (response to trending topics and their impact on our audience)
- Success stories (digital transformation stories to inspire nonprofits on their technology journey)
Thinking about a title? After you’ve written your article, check out this post on headlines that make people click.
Step 4
Submit your article
Email to submit a draft in Word or Google doc format. Make sure to attach all images to the email as individual files with labels indicating placement within the article.

Do I get final say over how the article looks?
While we try to maintain the original piece as much as possible, we do observe the right to edit the post to ensure it follows our guidelines and standards.
Can changes be made after the article is published?
Sure, we are open to making changes when possible. However, this can be approved or denied depending on circumstance.
How is the piece shared on social media?
We will share your article on our social media channels in alignment with our long-term strategy. While we will do our best to tag you in several of the posts, we recommend including the appropriate social media handles when you submit your article. And we always encourage sharing and tagging on your own social media as well!
If you have any questions, please reach out to