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Inside Our Values: Drive Change

By: idealconsult
2 minutes

Change. You might love it, or hate it, or love someone who hates it. Feel what you will about it; we all know that change is inevitable. Some say it’s necessary. Change is the only constant, but it’s rarely easy.

At Idealist Consulting, we aren’t afraid of change, in fact, we see it as the key to success.

We are lead climbers, tour guides, and technical experts. We are former peace corp workers, early adopters, and adventurers. We are tenacious people, driven to make a difference in this world, and committed to leaving a positive wake. We know the right technology is a game changer, a mission builder, a rainmaker.

What driving change means to us:

It means we stay up to speed with best practices, top performing partner platforms, and the whole of the vast Salesforce ecosystem. It means we invest in staff training and foster a strong learning culture. It also means our consultants would enjoy reading the weekly PUB Crawl, a Salesforce nonprofit newsletter, just as much as participating in an actual one.

As the MJ song goes “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change”.

So we know change starts with us. We strive always to practice what we preach. To model change habits, communication and expectation setting internally. As a growing company every input and perspective matters. Process, policy, culture are driven by our staff. For our growth to be successful, every voice matters.

What our commitment to driving change means for you:

Like good scouts, we stay one step ahead, watching for bumps in the road, proposing alternative routes, and come prepared to blaze new trails when necessary. When change is hard, but growth is essential, we aren’t afraid to take the road less traveled.

It means you get the best of both worlds: experience and adventure. We’ve trained for this, and we are ready to guide you and your team through the real wilds of implementation, marketing automation, and app integrations.


Did we mention, we’ve been here for a while? That’s right, for over 10 years now Idealist Consulting has been on the forefront of the salesforce deployment. We helped develop the first iteration of the NPSP and have seen it through many iterations.

Plus, we know our way around the Dreamforce .ORG lodge. From its humble beginnings to its own dedicated building during Dreamforce, we’ve always packed an extra water bottle and laura bar for the day hikers.

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