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BOKS Uses Admin Support to Grow

By: Jacqueline Fassett

The Objective

Build Our Kids’ Success (BOKS) is an initiative of the Reebok Foundation that focuses on getting kids to be active before school in order to stimulate their bodies and minds for more effective learning all day.

In 2009, after reading the book Spark, which makes the argument for the positive impact of physical activity on the brain, Kathleen Tullie and a group of moms created the program to help kids be more active at a local school in Natick, MA. Today, the BOKS program has thousands of schools enrolled between the U.S. and Canada, with over 1,300 schools in Canada alone.

BOKS came to Idealist Consulting because they needed a way to support their growing network of volunteers and manage the program data. 


The Problem

As BOKS has expanded their programs, they couldn’t keep up with the increasing number of trainers and volunteers that were signing up for the program and the data related to the schools and participants. 

For the past five years, BOKS has worked Idealist Consulting to build out their Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) instance and a custom portal for all their trainers and volunteers.

Now, with the right data infrastructure, they needed help maintaining their NPSP instance so their team could continue their growth.

“We kept getting bigger and bigger. It was easy to manage when it was under a couple of hundred schools and didn't need workflows. We needed a way to streamline everything and make sure everyone was doing it the same way,” said Senior Manager of National Program Services of BOKS Canada Lynn Rizzuto.


The Solution

Idealist Consulting brought in one of its rockstar project managers and consultants for what’s called an Admin Support. An Admin Support is when we engage with clients on a recurring basis when they don’t have a big project to tackle but just need regular help maintaining their Salesforce instance. 

Through the Admin Support, our team helped BOKS with all kinds of jobs such as customizing their Opportunities and integrating new platforms like TaskRay, ConstantContact, and Formstack. The teams also built out a handy tool, called Ideas, to help the BOKS teamwork more efficiently.  

“We built Ideas so when we work internally we are able to write comments questions and ideas and vote on them. We have team calls that are weekly, so it’s really important when we want everyone’s feedback and they are not on the phone, we ask them to use Ideas,” said Rizzuto.

Along with helping the BOKS team build out their Salesforce instance, the consultant also acted as a liaison for their other consultants who might touch Salesforce, like a web developer or third-party apps. 


The Result

The BOKS team is now able to be more agile and focus on their mission while trusting in their tech, a major departure from the traditional reliance on manual work. They know they can rely on their dedicated consultant to get them across the finish line faster.

Through automation and new apps connected to Salesforce, staff and volunteers are empowered to focus on their job and the organization’s mission. 


In their words:

“We use Salesforce daily. Everybody has to use it; there’s no other way to track anything. In our campaigns, we’ve been able to add expenses, which we couldn’t do before. We’ve also added on trainings, through Litmus and Eventbrite configurations. Now, we can see who has and has not been trained and when,” said Rizzuto.

BOKS quote about their Admin Support with Idealist Consulting and NPSP


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